Friday, October 9, 2009

Gone for a few!

Doll class was awesome last week I get to start working on the doll I actually picked out, and I really can't wait.

Tonight I'm leaving with my mom to visit my brother at the USNA. A long 10 hour overnight drive to Maryland. Lovely. I get to spend my 25th birthday totally exhausted from the long drive and devoting all of my attention to my baby brother. Crazy.

I love Kyle, and I'm excited to see him...but I was kind of hoping to spend this birthday with someone who cared.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Small Business Start Up

Anybody ever started a small business before? I'm working on my business plan (not for anyone else, my business is minimal risk and requires practically no investment to start) and I just feel so overwhelmed right now. I don't know how to attract new clients, I don't know anything. I'm basing the entire idea that I can do this on the fact that I do have experience in the wedding vendor business and that eventually I have to be recognized for my talent, right?


I want to do more than just shoot weddings, but I'm not sure how to go about that either. I want to shoot models and conceptual photos too...I just want to take pictures of everything. Well, I think I'm good starting off with weddings and such. Then I'll try to branch out. I'm so tired today...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No time for reading!

I've found myself with no time for reading lately. I always try to make time for myself to read, whether it's fun stuff or not, but I've found myself at a stand still as of late. I'm currently reading 3 books. I'm reading "Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists", which is quite interesting, but written in a very old fashioned manner and difficult to plod through. I have no confidence in my ability to actually finish this book.

I'm also reading Photography Workshop's "Lighting" book, which is fantastic, but I've come to the first assignment, which I haven't completed, so I haven't moved on to the second chapter. I love how informative and easy to understand it is though.

Last, "Small Business Start-Up Kit" by Nolo. I'm working on writing out a business plan for my photography business (even though it's practically underway) just so that I can get all the technical jargon straight in my head. I just have all sorts of random business questions floating around in my head, so I figure if I work my way through this book I'll be much better off.

Here's to finding time for books.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Faeye Photography

So I'm starting to take my photography more seriously. I did a shoot for a family, and I shot pictures at Nathan's cousin's wedding. I think the pictures are pretty good, but I'm not sure that they're good enough to have a really good business plan. We'll see.

I'm kind of nervous about it. Wouldn't be nice if I could do something with this photography thing?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Nathan and I have a housemate! My brother's girlfriend had some trouble with her lease in northern Grand Rapids and had to get out immediately, so she's here. She brought along her two cats and dog, so things here have been pretty interesting for the last few days. Her dog is just a puppy and jumps all over our dog most of the day, then the two of them just pass out. It can be rather entertaining to watch them play with each other. The cats don't really get along with ours, they're always hissing and growling when they come face to face, but they seem to be adapting and getting used to each other.

I'm sure life in our house is different for Heather, and I hope that all in all we aren't making her to uncomfortable.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jobs and Such

I had a job interview today. For those of you who didn't know I was looking for a new job, I am. The work environment at Complete Music has become almost unbearable, and since Floyd started cutting back my hours, he's practically forcing me to look for something else. I need the money to invest in photography equipment for my new potential business, plus I am way behind on my doll expenditures (not to mention that I'm still trying to complete our china collection!). Basically even though Nathan's job covers all of our bills, I still have financial requirements that Complete Music is just not meeting.

So back to this job interview I had today. It went well. It was really simple, the job seems really easy, and I think she will offer me the job. However, I don't think I want it. It is a set shift: Thurs-Sat from 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Days off are not permitted. Ick. There are a few problems with this. First: holidays. We do not get holidays off. I just spent a year arranging holidays with my family, and I don't think they would be very understanding if suddenly I was unavailable on major holidays. Second: Saturdays. How can I start a photography business if I have to work a 13 hour day on Saturdays? So long weddings, so long events. Screw that. Also, based on the half hour or so that I spent in their office, I don't think the work environment or team dynamic is much different from what I'm trying to escape from at Complete Music. Guess I'll just keep applying elsewhere.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's been a long time...

Okay, I'm bad at updating this journal. I promise to try and be better, how about that? As a quick update, I've been teaching drama camps for All-of-us Express Children's Theatre, I took my brother Kyle to Annapolis and dropped him off at the Naval Academy, and I took Nathan and Seth to a giant water balloon fight in honor of July 4th in downtown Grand Rapids. Besides that I've just been altering t-shirts and taking lots of pictures...some of which I think are pretty good. I'm going to try to update this thing every time I do something interesting...try to post some of the pictures I take, etc. We'll see how it goes.

I apologize for my absence to all the ZERO people who read this blog.